Townend MP (Con.) |
L C Christian Esq (sic)
Rotlintstrasse 17 D-60316 Frankfurt am Main Germany 4 March, 1999
Dear Mr Christian
Thank you for your letter of 22 February 1999. Whilst I appreciate your feelings, as the brother of Derek Christian it is very difficult for you to deal with this matter dispassionately. I very much believe in British justice and I am afraid that I cannot comment on the case other than to say that the jury, according to your papers, brought in a unanimous verdict. They sat through and heard all the evidence and therefore were in a much better position to come to a correct verdict, than reading papers which have been produced by friends of the defendant. With regard to your second request about Derek Christian's prison sentence, my view is that if he is not guilty then, of course, he should not be in prison at all and clearly the judiciary thought the trial had been correct otherwise they would not have refused grounds for Appeal, but if he is guilty, it was, as you say, a heinous crime and I think a term of imprisonment for 20 years is not excessive. Indeed, speaking generally, for the worse crimes I have consistently voted to bring back the death penalty. I know my letter will be a disappointment to you but I am sure you will appreciate the position I take. With kind regards, Yours sincerely |
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